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Kimberley Process

Caprice Diamonds Are Conflict Free Diamonds


Conflict Free Diamond/Blood Diamond

Conflict-free diamonds are diamonds of certified origin which are guaranteed not to be obtained through the use of violence, human rights or environmental destruction.


Kimberley Process

Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) is the process designed to certify the origin of rough diamonds from sources which are free of conflict funded by diamond production. The certification scheme aims at preventing "blood diamonds" from entering the mainstream rough diamond market. It was set up to assure consumers that by purchasing diamonds they were not financing war and human rights abuses. Launched in January 2003, the scheme requires governments to certify the shipments of rough diamonds are conflict free.


  Conflict Free Diamonds
All the CAPRICE diamonds are of certified origin, according to the Kimberley-Process. For this reason CAPRICE issues  a certificate for each loose or set diamonds, following the international regulation.


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