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Louis XIV, the father of French luxury jewels
During the reign of Louis XIV between 1643 and 1715, the necessary conditions were created to make Paris the capital of luxury jewels.
Diamond supply falling relative to demand

With supply falling relative to demand, analyst predicts 5-7 percent per annum rise in diamond prices

With rough diamond producer facing a seemingly inevitable decline in production from 2019, and demand for polished diamonds in developing markets like China rising fast, an analyst at BMO Capital Markets says that diamond prices are already up 7 percent, and they will continue to rise by 5 percent to 7 percent per annum for the next few years.
The Final of the Miss Interational Hungary 2013 Beauty Pageant
The Hungarian Final of the Japanese licenced and worldwide famous Miss International Beauty Pageant was held this year in the Ball Room of Royal Corinthia Hotel on 31st of August.
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