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Symbol of Renascence

Emerald is considered to be a great healer from the Ancient times. It is a highly appreciated precious stone for about 4000 years, thanks to its fantastic colour and mystical characteristics. In the Apocrypha, it is said that God’s throne is made of Emerald.

In Egypt, the legendary knowledge of Toth was engraved into Emerald boards. Traditionally, it is the symbol of eternal source and immortality. It is well known about Egyptians that they have engraved the symbol of eternal youth into Emerald and buried these talismans next to the goners. About 2000 years before the birth of Cleopatra, Emerald was mined in Egypt. It was told that this precious stone was her favourite one.

Ancient Romans offered the Emerald to Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, associating the stone with fecundity and rebirth.

From Indian religious texts, we know that they respected and wore the Emerald as a talisman.

Emerald is the green variation of Berill. It contains chrome and vanadium, giving it a colour from grass-green to deep transparent green. The transparent Emerald is very rare, that’s why it is more valuable than Diamond.

The most beautiful ones are mined in Colombia, but we can find good quality Emeralds in Africa, Brazil and Russia, as well. 

 Mohs: 7 -8.

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