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The Queen of Precious Stones

Diamond is a miracle of the world, consists of nothing else but carbon, insurged in the depths of Earth millions of years ago. People have discovered it about 4000 years back in India, since then this is the hardest known material, the symbol of eternity. But not only eternity – in different cultures it symbolises flash, invulnerability, and thought to have healing and magical power.  

The Diamond’s Ancient Greek name is ’adamas’, its variations exists in most of the European languages (Latin: adiantem, English: diamond, French/German: diamant).

Diamonds are born about 100-200 kilometres under the surface where the conditions are appropriate for its engendering.

This precious stone comes to life thanks to polishing, after what it can reflect 100% of the light.

It is impossible to scratch.

The most known Diamonds are the colourless ones, but it exists in several other colours. Its real value is determined according to the 4c.

We find Diamond mines South Africa, Autralia, but also in Botswana, India and the US.

 Mohs: 10.

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