The name ‘Garnet’ derives from the Latin word ‘granatus’ that is about the pomegranate fruit, as its seeds are highly like the Garnet Chrystal. A kind of misbelief got around: Garnet can only be red. In fact, it has wide variety of colours, for instance: Andradite (from colourless to black), Demantoid (emerald green), Hessonite (from orange to brown), Uvarovite (light green).
From the many kinds of garnets only those are appropriate for being a precious stone that has nice colour and transparent – they are called Noble Garnets.
The stone is coloured by chrome, iron and manganese. Garnets are cut mostly in the following shapes: brilliant, rose, panelled, staged, mixed and arched.
In the middle of the last century, especially in the 80s and 90s, Garnet was much more trendy than nowadays, thus many amazing jewels, like necklaces, bracelets, brooches are originating from that time.
Garnet mining in the Czech Republic has developed to a huge precious stone industry.
Mohs: 6.5 – 7.5.